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Cloco Matsuyama's new headquarters has been completed!

Industry Updates
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  • Published: May 30, 2024
  • Updated: Jan 10, 2025

Nice to meet you, I'm Anko. I'm in charge of program testing as part of the QA team. I'm still struggling as a second-year cloco student.

Self Introduction

Before coming to cloco, I worked at the counter of a Docomo shop at "MOBILE COM", the parent company of cloco!!

I was often told that "it must be hard to work at the counter", but in my case, there was a mysterious introduction routine where customers called other customers, and I enjoyed talking to repeat customers every day... I didn't ask them to do it, but for some reason, everyone came together to improve Anko's performance!! "Thank you, please come again!!" was Anko's biggest job to see them off with a smile. I'm

still studying for my job at cloco... I'm happy that I passed my homework "IT Passport" (I was depressed all day thinking that I failed) , but there are still so many things I don't understand that I often feel depressed... I don't hate myself for being like that, but I'm a difficult Anko.

"cloco", "MOBILE COM" and "Docomo Shop"

The Docomo shop is run by cloco's parent company, MOBILE COM, and is Anko's former home.

We work hard every day to become a store that is loved by the local community!! The "MOBILE COM" group currently has 459 employees, but when we first started in 1989, we started as a small store with only three staff members. Each step has been accumulated, and "MOBILE COM" has grown!!

About Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture

So, how well known is Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, where the cloco Matsuyama office is located?

To briefly explain Matsuyama, it is the largest city in Shikoku, but the city, sea, and mountains are compactly concentrated around Matsuyama Castle, and it is a laid-back city with plenty of ways to enjoy nature, such as driving and cycling. The food, alcohol, and air are delicious, and it is a city recommended for sightseeing.

After a long period of self-restraint, everyone who came to Matsuyama for the first time on a business trip can finally enjoy themselves!! Please come to Matsuyama at least once! I'm sure you will be excited!

Now, let's talk about the new office.

Our current office is getting too small, so we've heard about the move, and there are rumors that we'll be on the same floor as people from other departments... I'm nervous about the move, so I'll take only my computer and desk with me


We have successfully started operations in our new office since February 6th.


The floor was suddenly lively with people from other divisions of the "MOBILE COM" group, and there were a lot of women. There was a conference room, a web booth, a lounge, and a large window from which you could see Matsuyama Castle, and in the coming season, you could enjoy cherry blossoms. It looks like you can have as much fun as you want.

headquater_03.jpg headquater_04.jpg

Many of the staff are in the child-rearing generation, and everyone seems to be free to come in early or late. At cloco, you can work remotely, so Anko can balance her work and caregiving duties without straining herself. I think it's a very flexible and diverse work environment!