- Published: Dec 14, 2022
- Updated: Jan 10, 2025
Hello. I'm Igaya I've set a goal of posting five blogs by the end of the year, and this is my third article. This time, I'd like to talk about the process sheet that Retsushi mainly created, but Igaya also joined in the middle and got it approved by Director Panda.
Memories of process sheets
The process sheet was the first thing we started after this blog project was launched. Retsushi was the main creator, and Keroppi and Igaya supported him if anything happened. At first, a process sheet? Igaya is an infrastructure engineer, so he thought that if there was anything infrastructure-related, he just had to make a schedule and the rest would be done quickly . However, the first process sheet that Retsushi came up with was torn to pieces during Panda's review... Panda: "What is this? Give it to me quickly." *It seems that Panda did not recognize the first deliverable as a process sheet... After Panda's review, Igaya also started to follow up. Hmm...? Aren't there a lot of things that need to be decided before the infrastructure is built... No, before deciding anything, we don't need to decide how to decide... There are countless things to consider when deciding how to decide, so it's probably difficult to do it alone... Retsushi, I'm sorry I couldn't notice this... So, by playing catch with Retsushi, the creation of the process sheet went well.
Process sheet creation flow
First, identify what needs to be done at the rough task level. Based on the tasks you've identified, think about what needs to be done before you can do that task, and what needs to be done after that, and then identify the necessary tasks. Once you've identified a certain number of tasks, think about how they relate to each other and connect them. Just doing this much felt like putting together a puzzle, and I remember it being a lot of fun ♪ Here is the final process sheet I completed.
What I learned from creating a process sheet
When I first heard that I would be making a process sheet, I didn't know why I needed one, so I was only aware of my own tasks. When I started to follow up on the process sheet halfway through and started to think of it as something that shows the overall flow of tasks, such as what needs to be done first and what needs to be done next, I realized that process sheets are necessary not only for blogs, but also as a way of working. In fact, when you do something at work, you often know in your head what you need to do. Process sheets are indispensable for team work, because they allow you to put your thoughts in your head into a diagram and share them with everyone while working, which makes each person's tasks clear.
Another thing I realized this time was that when you can't solve the problem by thinking about it alone, sometimes it's easier to get a friend to talk to. I also have a habit of concentrating on something and getting stuck in a rut when I'm working on something. I feel that in these situations, talking to someone can often solve the problem.
This time, I created and revised the process sheet, and had it reviewed by Director Panda. I had initially planned to finish it in three days, but before I knew it, it had taken two weeks... I think that with this realization and the key points for creation, I will be able to create something of a similar scale in three days in the future. (Director Panda: "Inotani, can you really do it in three days?")
Next topic
In the next issue, the direction of the blog has finally been decided, and I will finally report to BIG_BOSS. I unexpectedly needed to build some infrastructure, so I would like to talk about that.